MNC Animation after successfully producing films that have been shown in cinemas, namely Titus - Mystery of the Enygma in 2020 and Kiko In the Deep Sea in 2023. The film Titus - Mystery of the Enygma has been shown on the Netflix Southeast Asia streaming application service and will be coming soon broadcast in Turkey & Azerbaijan. Seeing the enthusiasm for the film Titus, Liliana Tanoesoedibjo as Executive Chairwoman of MNC Group and CEO of MNC Animation wants to continue this detective adventure story in the form of an animated series entitled "Titus the Detective".
Titus The Detective is the first local animated series with a detective theme to be broadcast on Indonesian Television, Mrs. Liliana Tanoesoedibjo said, "The animated series Titus The Detective is clear evidence of MNC Animation's seriousness in supporting the progress of the local animation industry, where the nation's best sons and daughters are directly involved in the process of making it. We must all be proud and support the work of the nation's children,". He also added that apart from providing exciting entertainment, this series is also full of educational value for Indonesian children. We can see how Titus, a detective, persistently solves each case, while upholding the values of honesty, friendship and mutual cooperation because all mysteries always have an answer.
Let's solve the case with Titus, Detective Squad!